When I first submitted this week’s inspiration item, I naively thought that the “hive mind” might help me figure out how to market these things. I had no idea what to expect… whether you’d all put them in beautiful, vintage settings or fun and modern treasuries, if you’d lean towards the geometric or the organic. Silly me to think there’d be any one dominant theme! There are simply no limits to your creativity.
The treasuries this week went every which way, from gorgeous, natural collections, to quirky and fun, to sleek and minimalist. I absolutely love that you all saw my square inches in such different ways and I was overwhelmed by the artistry of the treasuries you made with this one item in common. If you haven’t spent any time browsing using the “nonteamchallenge 8” tag, I encourage you to do so. I added so many new items and shops to my favorites this week, all thanks to your keen eyes and great design sense. Here’s the link to all the challenge entries: http://www.etsy.com/treasury/tags/nonteamchallenge+8
The curator of the treasury I chose (and believe me, it was a hard choice..see here for the top ten contenders: http://jennifertatroe.blogspot.com/) displayed an amazing grasp of the nature of my smallest artworks. She dissected the elements and put them into a form anyone looking could understand. I wish my item descriptions were as good as her treasury! I also really appreciate that the winning treasury shined a spotlight on quite a few supply sellers, who are behind the scenes in everything we make, but rarely featured for the beauty of their wares… a shame, because what’s more beautiful than a rainbow of inks or a basket of the softest yarn? This treasury is definitely beautiful and I’m happy to congratulate… cindycolumbia1958!

Congrats to cindycolumbia1958! How about showing her treasury some NonTeam love?
She will be choosing the Inspiration Item for Challenge #9. She'll also be judging it.
Check back here on Thursday at noon (eastern time) for the start Challenge #9!
Awesome collection- congrats!
Warmest congrats to cindycolumbia1958!
A gorgeous treasury!! Congrats, Cindy!!
Congrats Cindy! That was very beautiful!
yay congrats cindyyyy!!!
Beautiful! Congratulations!
i saw a plethora of wonderful treasuries but i can see why this won the challenge. congrats!!!
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