Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Winning Treasury Challenge #80

Some words from Labiblioteca...

Wow. What a week! I had so, so much fun seeing all the places my little crackled glass bottle went. From a date with Fred Aistaire, to the bottom of the ocean, to many bedroom boudoirs, gift guides for mom, a reading with Gatsby, and bohemian playgrounds. It always astounds me as to how much vision and talent is on this team. I absolutely love participating week to week and this being my second time around winning the challenge, I look forward to continuing on with even more challenges. The treasury I chose as the winner really grabbed me from the first moment. I loved the title, the theme, the picks and just the overall "feeling" I got from Lesa's "The Emperor of Scent". Each thing really does evoke the magic and mystery of the olfactory. From the figs, to the coffee, to the blueberries - I wanted to smell it all! It also reminded me that I really need to read Perfume by Patrick Suskind, which has been on my to-read list for some time now. Thanks so much to everyone who participated and especially to Marmen of FrenchAtticFinds for choosing my treasury in the last challenge. Gracias!!

The Emporer of Scents by lesalikes

Congrats to lesalikes! How about showing her treasury some NonTeam love?
She'll be choosing the Inspiration Item for Challenge #81. She'll also be judging it.

Check the team discussion page for a "Laying Odds" thread to make suggestions / predictions on the Inspiration Item. We only have today to help them choose their item, so please be sure to pop in.

Check back here on Thursday at noon (eastern time) for the start of Challenge #81!

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